
Saturday, August 17, 2019

AirPods third generation

AirPods third generation

Apple's second generation of Air Pods has only been released for a couple of months, and there are already rumors about the next generation of Air Pods. It's very rare for a follow-up to be released less than a year ago.
The first generation of Air Pods was released in December 2016 and the second generation was released in April of this year.
The launch term for both models is around 28 months.

The Air Pods series has not been released every year like the iPhone.
Nevertheless, rumors about the Air Pods 3 release are so unusual.
You may be wondering if there's a problem with the second generation of Air Pods.
Of course, if it was development news, not release news, it could be positive, but with development and release rumor, I am more suspicious.

The sound quality and delay of Apple Air Pods are among the best Bluetooth earphones.
Of course, compared to high-end products, it is true that it is relatively poor due to the characteristics of open earphones, but this is still not bad. In terms of delay, it is one of the highest rated.
Sennheiser Momentum Wireless has a delay with the aptx LL codec, but there are virtually no devices with it.

In the second generation, the battery life has been extended by using Bluetooth 5.0.
The voice call capability was the highest among Bluetooth earphones, so you can leave it a little.
Then the rest is design, sound quality and convenience.

Of course, the best way to improve sound quality is to switch to kernel rather than open.
I don't think Apple will completely transform the design into a kernel.
In the end, you can expect to keep the open type but change the design such as bean sprouts.

The design of the Air Pods is one of the most controversial designs in Apple's history.
It's a design that Apple criticized for ...
Well, now everyone is wearing it as a symbol of Apple's assistant referee.
In any case, the third generation is very likely to change the design and incorporate noise canceling to enhance the sound quality.

But I wonder how much noise canceling will perform in an open, non-kernel version.
I've never heard of noise canceling in open earphones. Of course it could be somewhere. The reason why the noise canceling function is not included in open earphones is that the noise canceling effect is not good because of poor shielding.

Apple Air Pods are semi-open rather than fully open, so it's not without possibility.
Still, noise canceling is an important factor that can be expected to change to kernel type.

At the same time, talk about waterproofing is coming out. Due to the nature of the Bluetooth earphone, I use it a lot while exercising. That's why sweat resistance can help you sell your product. But Air Pods don't mention waterproofing. That's why it's possible to add waterproofing to subsequent models. Along with this, health functions can be added, and the color can be added from white single color to black one.

It seems true that Apple Air Pod 3 development is becoming practical.
I think there is a very high possibility of adding noise canceling and there is a possibility of design changes.
Design changes are necessary to get the best performance.
But like the iPhone or Apple Watch, it's more likely that you'll keep your original design.

The bottom line is that the Air Pods 3rd Generation will be a design change.
I'm negative about the rumor that it's coming out this year.
Unless there's a problem with the product, it won't be available this year.

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