
Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Galaxy Fold

Galaxy Fold

Samsung Electronics failed to release Galaxy Fold on September 18. Although we lowered our initial estimate to 70,000 units on a global market basis, we expect it to revitalize the stagnant smartphone market.
Galaxy Fold Sep 18

According to the telecommunications industry on the 30th, Samsung Electronics decided to re-launch September 18th. Samsung Electronics plans to supply initial shipments of 30,000 units to global carriers in the first month and increase global sales to 60,000-70,000 units in October.
This is slightly lower than our target of 100,000 units a month. In terms of future schedules, Samsung Electronics is likely to release the upgraded Galaxy Fold at the Berlin International Appliance Fair (IFA) in Germany on September 6-11 (local time). Samsung Electronics has unveiled its first smartphone, Galaxy Note, in the second half of the year. Samsung Electronics will release Galaxy Note 10 in New York on the 7th of next month and will make advance reservations from August 9th to 19th. Booked buyers are expected to open from 20 days. Samsung's first foldable phone Galaxy Fold will be released in Korea after September 18th. Samsung Electronics and three domestic mobile telecommunications companies are reportedly negotiating the launch in the third week of September.

Samsung Electronics was previously planning to launch Galaxy Fold on April 26 in the US market. However, a few days before the official release, a preliminary review revealed that some flaws were found, which delayed the release schedule, which was finally released in September as a supplement.

Samsung Electronics is also developing the next foldable smartphone that greatly improves Galaxy Fold products. Samsung expects to start parts procurement in November for the smartphone, which is scheduled to be released early next year. In the future, Samsung Electronics is likely to replace the plastic window cover with glass materials.

An official of the industry said, "Samsung is making various prototypes for the Galaxy Fold products and testing them."

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