
Monday, August 19, 2019

Samsung Galaxy S9

Samsung Galaxy S9

Samsung “S9 tops 1 million in third fastest”
Actually, sales will be the lowest since the Galaxy S3
No change in design amid sluggish smartphone market
Galaxy Note 9 seems to be similar to existing products

The third-highest speed in the Galaxy S series exceeded 1 million units. ”Samsung Electronics' premium smartphone Galaxy S9 is expected to have the lowest sales volume among all products. In addition to the overall downturn in the smartphone market, the design and performance of the S9 are not significantly different from the previous S8.
According to the Eugene Investment & Securities report on the 19th, S9's sales volume is estimated at 30 million this year. In the second half of the year, shipments for the second quarter of this year dropped significantly from 15 million to 9.5 million. The size is far below the 40 million units that Samsung Electronics originally aimed for.

S9 sales are the smallest since the S3 released in 2013. The S8, released in March last year, sold 37.5 million units and the 2015 S6 sold 39.9 million units. The S7, which was released in 2016, did not have good initial sales, but sold 48.5 million units that year when the Galaxy Note 7 was discontinued due to battery ignition. However, it is true that sales volume of S9 shows less than S8. ”
The sluggish performance of the S9 was reported early. Samsung lowered the shipment price of S9 + (256GB), the most expensive model in early May, less than two months after the S9 was released. As a result, the price of high-end S9 + (256GB) is lower than that of low-end S9 + (64GB). Samsung Electronics said, "S9 sales are doing well, and to promote this," but the carrier said, "S9 + model sales are sluggish, due to heavy inventory accumulation, lowered the price to shake them."
The reasons for the sluggish sales of S9 include environmental factors and the device itself. First of all, the overall smartphone market is stagnating. According to the market research firm Counterpoint Research report, global smartphone sales in the first quarter of this year were 370 million, down 3% from the first quarter of last year. As the market saturates, smartphone sales trends are declining. The proliferation of mid-priced smartphones with premium features also played a role in the sluggish S9 sales. In Korea, the preference of premium smartphones has weakened due to the upward leveling of smartphone functions. In India and China, China is struggling with cost-effective Chinese products. Another major factor is that the S9's appearance and performance have not changed much compared to existing products. S9 has been pointed out as 'twin phone' because of its similarity with the existing product S8. It is known that there were many talks about 'no change in design' inside Samsung Electronics. An official of Samsung Electronics complained that "the design of the latest smartphone is in fact extreme." Ahn Byeong-do, a critic of information and communication, said, “Samsung had a lot of difficulty in selling the design when it released the S5. "The design change seems to continue the design of the S8, which has been well received for its high risk."

There was also no significant improvement in the functionality that would attract consumers' desire to buy. Samsung emphasized the S9's Super Slowmotion and Emoji features, but these are the features Sony and Apple have previously introduced.
Samsung Electronics is trying to make up for the sluggish S9 by speeding up the launch of the Galaxy Note 9, a large-screen premium smartphone that will be released in the second half of the year. The industry predicts that the Note 9 will not be much different from its predecessor, the Note 8, in appearance and functionality. Even the Note series is getting smaller and smaller than the larger Galaxy S + model. It's a similarity between S and the note series. Ko Dong-jin, president of Samsung Electronics' mobile division, said at the end of February that "edge display will bring the identity of Samsung's smartphones."
Lee Seung-woo, a researcher at Eugene Investment & Securities, said, “I don't know whether Samsung will change the design of the S and Note series or not.” Seems to be. ”

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